One of the most stressful situations a person can deal with is a house fire. Between the stress of the fire and pain of losing your personal possessions, it’s overwhelming to say the least. On a positive note, there are things you can do that may save your home and your belongings. Calling a smoke damage restoration service in Ocean City, MD, is one the smartest things you can do. The call should be made as quickly as possible so that restoration is as successful as possible. Here’s what to expect once a smoke damage restoration team comes on the scene.

Make an Assessment

Once the fire is completely out, a restoration team comes in and makes their assessment. The team looks at the extent of damage caused to the property. Normally they look at how far the fire traveled. They examine how far the smoke and soot traveled as well. This helps them determine any damage to walls, fixtures, and furnishings. Without a thorough assessment, the team can’t put together an action plan. They won’t be able to provide an accurate quote for the work they need to do either.

Time to Board Up

After a fire, there’s a strong likelihood you’ll have holes in ceilings or walls. You may have broken windows. Doors may be compromised, setting you home up for intruders and unwanted animals. Once the appraisal is complete, the team will seal any ingress points in your home. They’ll use wood panels, tarps, and plastic sheeting. All these things are temporary and serve as protection for your home. You certainly don’t want curious people entering your home. This could cause a liability issue if someone is injured. It also puts you at risk for theft or vandalism.

Remove Debris

The odor left behind after a major fire is overwhelming. Often removing debris can help reduce the odor. Removal can be done once the team completes their assessment. Affected debris can be ceiling tiles, furnishings, carpets, etc. Anytime soot mixes with moisture you run the risk of further damage. Soot and burned debris also shed microscopic dust, which only adds to the odor in the air. Any electrical appliances such as stoves, washers and dryers, and HVAC systems may also be removed at this time. This is a job for the restoration company, not the homeowner.

Damage Mitigation

Your home has already suffered damage, you don’t want to risk further property loss. Besides damage from the fire, including smoke damage, your home may also be water damaged. A significant amount of water was likely used to extinguish the fire. While the water saved your home, it could have also weakened your home’s structure. The team will investigate the roof, walls, drywall, and flooring to ensure there aren’t any issues with structural integrity. If they find parts of the structure that may have been knocked out of place, they can correct that before further damage is caused. Speaking of water, the company you hire for smoke damage restoration in Ocean City, MD, will also make sure to address water issues. They’ll use machines to remove moisture from the air. They’ll also get rid of any standing water in the home.

Standing Water in Home

The Cleaning Process

The reality is that after a fire, not everything can be cleaned. Not everything can be saved either. Your restoration team will determine what they can salvage. They’ll use special products to clean stains from each type of material in your home. If you have porous surfaces like natural stone countertops and flooring, they’ll use products that penetrate and remove stains from those types of materials. The team will know how to handle cleaning of carpets and draperies as well as upholstered furniture. An experienced team knows when to salvage and when to replace.

If you’ve suffered the trauma of a fire and need help moving forward with the cleaning and restoration process, contact United Restoration, Inc. today.